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Are Converse All-Stars a Basketball or a Skating Shoe?

In the history of sneakers, no other footwear shares the iconic status of Chuck Taylor All-Stars. It’s what most people think of when they hear Chucks, Chuck Taylors, or Converse. Many of us grew up wearing Converse skate shoes as our everyday footwear or for activities like skateboarding. But did you know these sneakers were initially designed as basketball shoes?

Converse already had basketball shoes in 1917 but revamped the design in 1922 when Chuck Taylor, a basketball athlete for the Akron Firestones, asked the company to make better footwear with more flexibility and support. The manufacturer placed Taylor’s signature on the ankle patch, resulting in the shoes we know today.

Beyond basketball

By the 1960s, Chuck Taylors were the quintessential basketball shoes. However, their use in the sport declined in the 1970s as basketball players began preferring other brands. In the 1980s, Chucks became popular again as retro casual footwear.

These shoes may not be used in basketball anymore, but they remain the go-to casual footwear that goes with almost any outfit. Plus, they became known as Converse skate shoes in the skateboarding community.

Converse for skateboarding

Skateboarders started wearing Chucks in the 1960s because they appreciated their flexibility, durability, and low weight, especially for cruisers. However, more technical skaters require a more durable, non-canvas shoe, and that’s where Converse’s CONS comes in. These shoes look nothing like Chucks, but they offer better protection and support, making them ideal for skateboarding. Moreover, they come in different options and features, such as mid and high-top varieties, rubber toe-caps, and elasticated tongues.

Modern Converse skate shoes are also great for skateboarding because of their special traction rubber. The soles and rubber backing improve grip, flexibility, and durability for a better experience, whether cruising or doing technical moves. Plus, the footwear has more cushioning for enhanced shock distribution and absorption.

Find the best skate shoes

Shop Converse skate shoes here at Millennium Shoes and find the perfect footwear for your sport. Be sure to sign up for the latest sales, special offers, and first dibs on new releases.

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